Monday, June 1, 2020

Draw A Floor Plan In Coreldraw


I will draw any floor plan in CorelDraw in my layout, unfurnished, furnished, with or without dimensional chains or dimensions, and respect every modification to the floor plan that you want. 

My prices are  5 $ - unfurnished and aditional 5 $ furnished (If you select furnished I can send you furnished and unfurnished version), dimensional chains +5 $.

All I need is a drawing, sketch, or the original floor plan, and in 2 days i will send it back in .jpg and .pdf



I last used Fiverr two years ago. Coming back to continue with that project Roplans immediately found my files and completed urgent changes brilliantly. Totally reliable and a committed professional. Thoroughly recommend


Is it possible to receive these as full pictures too? Thanks


VERY VERY Good, as always!


Very good, as always!


Very very good, as always!

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